• A think tank and do tank forpeople, places and the planet


  • Peace
    freedom from violence

  • Human rights
    gender equality

  • Sustainable development
    climate justice


Webinar March 19th 2025: Women in Conflict Zones

On March 19 at 12pm ET, Another Development Foundation attended an important webinar to amplify the voices of women who have been affected by conflict in various parts of the world. The Women in Conflict Zones webinar, sponsored by World BEYOND War, Southern Anti-Racism Network, International Peace Bureau, Convention for Pan-Africanism and Progress (CPP), and CODEPINK, aimed to shed light on the profound impacts of war on women and children and to discuss measures being taken to mitigate these effects.

A World BEYOND War Europe Appeal for De-escalation, Conflict Resolution, Civil Rights, and Peacebuilding at a Critical Time in History

As a World BEYOND War Affilliate, Another Development Foundation are honored to be part of the World BEYOND World Network who has worked to present an alternative route for De-escalation, Conflict Resolution, Civil Rights and Peacebuildning in this appeal. To: the people of the European Union countries, leaders of the European Union, and heads of States A World BEYOND War Europe Appeal for De-escalation, Conflict Resolution, Civil Rights, and Peacebuilding at a Critical Time in History This is a World

World BEYOND War – A Global Movement to End All Wars

Another Development Foundation is now an affiliated partner to World BEYOND War - A Global Movement to End All Wars. We will act as member of this movement for this to happen, i.e. putting an end to war as an institution. We have copied information about WBW in this post from the WBW Website: "World BEYOND War is a nonprofit organization with chapters around the world using educational, activist, and media work to advance the cause of ending all war

Lex Innocentium 21st Century

Another Development Foundation recievied a request from a peace initiative in Irland to sign Lex Innocentium 21st Century. The law is based on an ancient Irish Law, Lex Innocentium, 12st Century. The Law of the Innocents, 21st Century declares war to be a Crime against Humanity, a Crime against the Earth and a Crime against the Future.   This initative was launced on the 21st of September 2024, UN International Day of Peace. The law is now signed by Ingvar Rönnbäck,

Manifestation for Peace, Climate and Humanism in the City of Umeå, December 15th 2024

On the 15th of December, civil society organisations in Umeå organized an event for Peace, Climate and Humanism in Umeå. The organizers where: #Taettklivframåt (#Takeastepforward), Extinction Rebellion, Friends of the Earth, United Nations Association, Lysistrate Peace Group, No to NATO/DCA Peace Group, Fridays for Future Student Association, People for Future, Rebel Mothers, Rebel Fathers, Ta tillbaka Framtiden (Take back the Future), Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society, Umeå Peace Group, Umeå for Palestine and Återställ våtmarker (Restore Wetlands). Seven speakers talked

Participation at the Right Livelihood Award Event 2024

The 4th of December Ingvar Rönnbäck, Founder of ADF, and Evelina Rönnbäck, photographer and member of the ADF Advisory Group participated at an event for the Right Livelihood Laureates 2024 at Cirkus in Stockholm; Joan Carling, indigenous activist from the Philippines Issa Amro, human rights and nonviolent activist from Hebron, Westbank, Palestine Anabela Lamos, Justicia Ambiental, Mocambique Forensic Architecture, HQ in London UK. It was a wonderful and inspiring evening at Cirkus in Stockholm. Congratulation from Another Development Foundation to

What is Another Development Foundation?

Another Development Foundation is an independent, non-profit think tank and do tank for people, places and planet earth promoting peace by peaceful means, freedom from violence, human rights, gender equality, sustainable development inluding climate justice. The foundation is based in The City of Umeå, Sweden.

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