
Democracy and Inclusion – Nonviolence as a Force for Change

On United Nations Day for Nonviolence - October 2nd - an event on nonviolence as a force for changes was organized by the organisation Friend in Umeå, Folk University, The Library of the City of Umeå, the study association Bilda and Nonviolence 2024. In the first part of the event Professor Stellan Vinthagen, Amherst University, Massachusetss, US was held that discussed "What Can Activists for Social Justice Learn from Nonviolence and Civil Disobedience". The lecture was followed by a panel

Equality in Action – 4th World Congress for the Abolition of Prostitution – Participation by Meg Donevan

Our board member, Meg Donevan, was invited to share her research on the harms of pornography at the 4th World Congress for the Abolition of Prostitution. Titled “Equality in Action,” the event was hosted by CAP International, a global movement of grassroots and survivor-led organizations, and brought together survivors, researchers, frontline workers, activists, parliamentarians, and officials. The congress emphasized the multiple and intersectional oppressions that underpin the prostitution system, with a particular focus on the historical marginalization of indigenous women

Nonviolence 2024 October 15th – Nonviolent Resistance to Militarisation and Autocratisation

Welcome to Umeå (Ubmeje) and Umeå University (Ubmeje Universitiäthta) for a conversation on nonviolent and peaceful resistance to militarisation and autokratisation in US, UK and Sweden! Outline: Welcome and opening remarks by Ingvar Rönnbäck, Founder of Another Development Foundation Conversation 1: Resisting Militarisation in US, UK & Sweden Panelists: Phill Gittins, Director of Education, World BEYOND War, UK Office Joanne Sheehan, Staff at War Resisters League, US and former Chair of War Resisters International Kerstin Bergeå, Chair of Swedish Peace

The Person at the Heart of Sustainability

The Person at the Heart of Sustainability by Ira Sundberg focuses on the relationship between humans and the big question of sustainable development. You can read the essay in full down below or download it down to your choice of platform.

Umeå for Antiracism – Summary and Future

On August 29th a summary evaluation of the project "Mobilisation for Antiracism in Umeå" was carried out. Part of the evaluation was a focus group interview with representatives for the reference group who have assisted the steering group and the project manager through out the project. The project has reached all result goals part of the impact goals. The project has produced an agreement for organisations in the civil society to sign, as well as a learning space on antiracism.

Sweden in NATO and Military Agreement with the US – What´s happening now?

On May 5th 2024 an open lecture was organized by the Left Party in Sweden on what is happening in relation to Sweden becoming a member of NATO and signing a a military agreement (DCA) with the US. The lecture was held by Gabriella Irsten, Expert at Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society. The lecture was followed by a panel discussion moderated by Caroline Täljeblad from the Left Party. The panel included: Gudrun Norberg, Member of Parliament, Left Party Kristoffer Fredriksson,

Reporting on Gaza in Swedish Newspapers and Media is a fatal failure – A Debate Article

In the magazine "The Journalist" (Journalisten in Swedish) a number of journalists and media professionals have signed a debate article about the reporting on Gaza by Swedish newspapers and in media. This is the first paragraph in this article: "When it comes to news reporting on Gaza, the deadliest place for civilians in the world, we see a fatal failure. Israel is presented as a democracy that fights terrorists, while the people who are subjected to horrible war crimes -

Project for Collective Civil Courage – A Report

The project Collective Civil Courage has now been reported to the funding organisation The Swedish National Council of Adult Education who is an NGO tasked with distributing national public grants to the adult education associationss and folk high schools. The report was delived to The Swedish National Council of Adult Education in March 2024. The project was managed by the Study Association Bilda in partnership with Swedish Fellowship of Reconcilliation and Härnösands Folk High School with Another Development Foundation as

Garden Talk for Another Development on Human Health and Environment

April 19th 2024, Another Development hosted a conversation with two member of the ADF Advisory Group: Dr. Anne Ouma, Development and Research Advisor and affiliated to Department of Epidemiology and Global Health, Umeå University Dr. Raman Preet, A global public health professional, scientific research manager, and coordinator. Expert in coordinating European Union funded health research projects. Ingvar Rönnbäck, Founder and Chair of the Board of Another Development Foundation This talk was a continuation of a conversation on Human Health and

Garden Talk for Another Development on Media, Communication and Journalism

April 18th 2024 Another Development Foundation hosted a on-line conversation on media, communication and journalism in relation to another development. The participants were: Kerstin Engström, Program Coordinator of the Journalism program and Associate Professor in media and communication studies, Umeå University. Kerstin is also a member of ADF Advisory Group. Paula Alvarado, Founder of Seeds for Change and expert and faciliator on communication in relation to work for climate justice, the rights of indigenous people, global health, gender equality and

Learning and Networking in US on Nonviolence and Resistance to War

During April 7th-16th 2024, Ingvar Rönnbäck, Founder of Another Development Foundation conducted a learning and networking journey to US with four stops; Washington DC, New York City, Conneticut, Boston. Several meetings were part of the program: Hardy Merriman, President of International Centre on Nonviolent Conflict (ICNC) Marc Elliot, Technology Director, World Beyond War Stellan Vinthagen, Professor on Nonviolent Direct Action, Amherst University Joanne Sheehan, active in various ways in War Resisters League and War Resisters International Jamila Raqib, Executive Director,

Open Letter Calling on World Leaders to Show Long-view Leadership on Existential Threats

This open letter, organzed by The Elders and Future of Life Institute were signed by many. One of the is Ingvar Rönnbäck, Founder and Chair of the Board of Another Development Foundation. Below, you find the open letter, and a link to the letter: "The Elders, Future of Life Institute and a diverse range of co-signatories call on decision-makers to urgently address the ongoing impact and escalating risks of the climate crisis, pandemics, nuclear weapons, and ungoverned AI. Our world is