Another Development Foundation has been established to give people and organizations increased opportunities for active dialogue on how to practically engage in how a world with respect for people and environment can be created and how to get there. We believe action is what counts/is very important, and that we have to place a focus on children and young people and actively include them in the mission to create a sustainable world.
The Foundation specially intends to give actors in the northern part of Sweden opportunities for participation in different activities, but also create opportunities to carry out activities and projects with partners on a national and an international level. The foundation will enhance development of knowledge, networks, projects and partnerships. Even though the foundation is based in The City of Umeå, Sweden we strongly believe that a cross-border and transnational approach is needed when working for people, places and planet.
The Foundation will work for the purpose by acting as an open and inspiring environment for dialogue and meetings which identifies challenges, concrete options for action and enhances results-oriented partnerships for peace and freedom from violence, human rights and gender equality as well as sustainable development (including climate justice) in its broadest meaning. The Foundation will promote the purpose through specific development projects, various forms of communication efforts as well as through compatible activities.
The founders of this organization also want to create an open, warm, personal and creative environment for people who and organizations which will come into contact with the work that Another Development Foundation will be doing.
The ambition is also to build on people´s ideas, experiences, strengths, will and curiosity when searching for a development that enhances people´s rights to live their lives in sustainable habitats independent of who they are.
In the end – another development – is a development that enhances peaceful and respectful relations between people, cultures, nations and nature which are the core values for Another Development Foundation.