Our partnership with WANA Institute, Jordan continues. During October 14th-17th 2019 a team representing Another Development Foundation travelled to Amman and Salt City for working with youth on gender equality, peace and social inclusion. The youth have produced films on these matters which will be used in communication with different organsations and partners. Besides of the filmevent at Salt Film Center, the team from Another Development Foundation also visited WANA Institute, Arab Women Organisation, Mercy Corps and IM Swedish Development Partner and the Embassy of Sweden in Amman.
The team members from Another Development Foundation were: Ingvar Rönnbäck, Founder and Chair of the Board, Emre Gürler, Another Development Foundation Advisor, Kerstin Engström, Another Development Foundation Advisor, Kavita Dasgupta, Filmmaker and Another Development Fondation Partner, Evelina Rönnbäck, Photographer and Another Development Foundation Partner.
The project is funded by Swedish Institute in the framework of Creative Force Program.
In November, the team representing WANA Institute will travel to Sweden for the purpose of knowledge exchange on SDGs 5, 11 and 16 and on communication for social change.