Another Development Foundation is working from the basis of an integrated gender perspective, both internally in the organization and externally in projects and with partners. One of the founders – Peter Söderström – has skills and experience as an educator, trainer and lecturer been requested in the field of gender equality, and specifically men’s violence against women and children, with a critical perspective on masculinity and focus on gender transformative violence prevention. Down below is examples of the missions Peter have been commissioned to conduct, mainly on an national level.
2010 – 2016 – Men for Gender Equality, Stockholm, Sweden
One of the main responsibilities during six years was to develop and carry through different kinds of trainings with a focus on men´s violence against women and children, critical perspective on masculinities and gender transformative violence prevention. The aim of the project ”Freedom from Violence Project” was to develop preventative methods to promote and gender equal and non-violent practice. A main task was to make an national/international knowledge-inventory targeting research on existing gender-transformative violence prevention methods. Another main task was to import, translate, test, adapt and evaluate the ”Mentors in Violence Prevention method” at secondary and upper-secondary school, to finally adjust and write the Swedish manual. A three day process led training were developed and adapted to the Swedish manual, to be able to educate relevant target groups to get a basic knowledge of how to use the manual professionally.
2009-2012 – Swedish National Board of Institutional Care (SIS), Stockholm, Sweden
As instructed during by the Swedish National Board of Institutional Care, together with Lena Berg and Magnus Sjögren, they developed and conducted a pilot training on working with girls, boys, women and men with an integrated gender perspective, and during a process together with personell, developed a document stating guidelines on how staff at SiS could work as discussion leaders for groups of girls, boys, women and men with an integrated gender perspective.
2010-2011 – The County Council of Gävleborg, Gävle, Sweden
On behalf of The County Council of Gävleborg, conducted gender equality training for different professional groups.
2009 – 2010 – The National Center for Knowledge on Men’s Violence against Women, Uppsala, Sweden
Were employed by The National Center for Knowledge on Men´s Violence Against Women between August 2009 – June 2010, and worked with various training assignments but primarily with responsibility for developing an advanced university course on men’s violence against women which was implemented for the first time in Sweden.
2010 – Åland Provincial Government, Mariehamn, Åland
Under the auspices of the Åland Provincial Government, 2010, trained childcare staff in gender equality.
2008-2010 – Gävle Municipality, Gävle, Sweden
Commissioned by Gävle Municipality, during 2008 – 2010, to implement gender equality training for management staff in municipalities in Gävleborg County.
2007-2010 – Swedish Defence University, Stockholm, Sweden
On behalf of the Swedish Defence University, 2007-2010, worked as a certified trainer for gender equality education at national Level.
2007 – 2009 – The County Council of Västerbotten, Umeå, Sweden
2007 – 2009 together with Lena Sjöquist Andersson, trained all healthcare centres and clinics in Västerbotten County on how to respond and treat abused women and children.
2009 – Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society, Stockholm, Sweden
Commissioned by the Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society, to lecture in a 9-day national pilot course at university level entitled ”How can we prevent violence against young women?”.
2008 – Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society, Umeå, Sweden
On behalf of the Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society, acted as process leader in a 9-day national pilot course at university level entitled ”How can we prevent violence against young women?”
2005 – Västerbotten Association of Municipalities, Umeå, Sweden
Commissioned by the Västerbotten Association of Municipalities to act as supervisor in gender issues for pre-school activities within the ”JÄMFÖR Project”.
2000 – 2004 – The County Administrative Board of Västerbotten County, Umeå, Sweden
Began in 2000 working on gender issues, focusing on men’s violence against women and children, and was employed by the County Administrative Board of Västerbotten County until spring 2004. Primary tasks were to develop synergies between authorities and organizations, training issues and to focus on how to reach and work together with young men from a gender perspective. Together with Magnus Sjögren of the Sensus study organisation and Christian Fridh of the Red Cross Youth League, planned and implemented a course entitled ”NORMal or what?” which resulted in a management training input and a book on the process entitled ”NORMal, eller? Vägledning, ledarmaterial för att sätta killar i rörelse” (2004).