Another Development Foundation will be active in building activities and processes on a broad frame of knowledge, both theoretical and practical, written and gathered by others. One of the founders – Peter Söderström – have actively been part of the development of knowledge with a focus on developing improved conditions for a gender equal society, with a specific focus on men´s violence against women and children. Down below are some of the tasks Peter Söderström has been commissioned to conduct since 2000.

2015 – Swedish Government Offices, Stockholm, Sweden

On behalf of the Swedish Government Offices, 2015, contributed with a textual basis for the commission to propose a national strategy on men’s violence against women (SOU 2015; 55), focusing on the background and current state of the national and international gender-transformative violence prevention field.

2014-2015 – Swedish Government Offices, Stockholm, Sweden

On behalf of the Swedish Government Offices participated as an expert 2014-2015 in the Commission to propose a national strategy on men’s violence against women (SOU 2015:55).

2009-2010 – Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society, Stockholm, Sweden

On behalf of the Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society, together with Lena Berg and Magnus Sjögren, conducted a national inventory of gender-transformative violence prevention work aimed at young men based on gender and norm critical perspectives, published in the report ”Prata bort mansvåld” in 2010.

2009 – County Administrative Board of The County of Norrbotten, Luleå, Sweden

Commissioned by the County Administrative Board of Norrbotten County, 2009, to conduct a study on the prerequisites for starting Centre against Violence built on structured cooperation between concerned organisations in The County of Norrbotten.

2008-2009 – Men for Gender Equality, Stockholm, Sweden

Commissioned by the NGO Men for Gender Equality, together with Lena Berg and Magnus Sjögren, to develop training material for a pilot training course aimed at volunteers working in the ”Forum for Guys Project online”. Planned and implemented two programmes for volunteers including training for educators.

2007-2008, The City of Umeå, Sweden

Under the auspices of The City of Umeå, together with Christian Fridh, conducted a targeted gender equality input for boys in elementary school which included planning and implementation of boy group leadership training for teachers, supervision of their implementation in practice and a written evaluation report.

2007 – 2009, The County Council of Västerbotten, Umeå, Sweden

Together with Lena Sjöquist Andersson responsible for developing a Care Programme for Women and Children which have been Victims of Violence in Västerbotten County Council.

2007, Vännäs Municipality, Sweden

Commissioned by Liljaskolan, Vännäs Municipality to evaluate the Gender Equality project ”Lilja på väg”.

2005 – 2007 , The County Council of Västerbotten, Umeå, Sweden

Worked between  2005 – 2007 as an investigator and conducted a study on the prerequisites for starting up extended, systematic cooperation concerning men’s violence against women in The County of Västerbotten.

2004, Swedish Government Offices, Stockholm, Sweden

Participated during the spring 2004 as an expert and during the autumn employed full-time as an Secretary to the Government Commission entitled ”Utredningen om kvinnofridsuppdragen” and the report ”Slag i luften” (N2004: 121).

2003-2004, The County Administrative Board of Västerbotten County, Umeå, Sweden

Worked as investigator and conducted a government investigation ”The right to freedom from oppression” (Message 1 2004, County Administrative Board of Västerbotten County) on the need for sheltered accommodation for girls and young women who are at risk of honor-related violence

2000 – 2004 , The County Administrative Board of Västerbotten County, Umeå, Sweden

Began in 2000 working on gender issues, focusing on men’s violence against women and children, and was employed by the County Administrative Board of Västerbotten County until spring 2004. One of the primary tasks was to reach young men and with an integrated gender perspective take preventative initiatives. Together with Magnus Sjögren of the Sensus Study Organisation and Christian Fridh of the Red Cross Youth Association, we planned and carried out the project ”NORMal, or?” with a focus on working with young boys in dialogue groups. We wrote a book about the process entitled ”NORMal, eller? Vägledning, ledarmaterial för att sätta killar i rörelse” (2004).


Berg, L, Hyllander, K, Sjögren, M & Söderström, P (2013). Låt 101 blommor blomma; våldsförebyggande projekt för killar och unga män. The Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society

Berg, L, Hyllander, K, Sjögren, M & Söderström, P (2012). Före han slår; om effektiva våldsförebyggande metoder med genusperspektiv. The Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society,

Berg, L, Hyllander, K, Sjögren, M & Söderström, P (2011). Freedom from Violence; a gender transformative gender-transformative violence prevention programme for young men in Sweden. Europeans Women’s Voice published by Europeans Women’s Lobby.

Berg, L, Sjögren, M & Söderström, P (2010). Prata bort mansvåld. Inventering av våldspreventivt arbete riktat till unga män utifrån ett genus- och normkritiskt perspektiv. Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society.

Söderström, P m fl (2009). Samarbetscentrum mot våld: en utredning om förutsättningar för att bilda ett centrum mot våld i Norrbottens län. The County Administrative Board of Norrbottens County. Report Series No.15/2009.

Berg, L, Sjögren, M & Söderström, P (2009). Att samtala normkritiskt med killar på nätet: ett volontärsstöd för chatt och mej. Män för jämställdhet.

Söderström, P (2007). Vårdprogram för arbete med våldsutsatta kvinnor och barn. The County Council of Västerbotten.

Söderström, P (2007). Evaluation of targeted gender equality project for boys in elementary school in The City of Umeå. The City of Umeå.

Sjöquist-Andersson, L & Söderström, P (2005). Samarbetscenter mot våld: utredning av förutsättningar för utökat och systematiserat samarbete kring mäns våld mot kvinnor och barn. The County Council of Västerbotten. Report 20050630.

Söderström, P m fl (2004). Slag i luften. Government investigation on violence against women. (SOU 2004:121). Statens offentliga utredningar. Regeringskansliet.

Söderström, P (2004). Rätten till frihet från förtryck. The County Administrative Board of Västerbotten County.

Fridh, C, Sjögren, M & Söderström, P (2004). NORMal eller? Vägledning: ledarmaterial för att sätta killar i rörelse. Sensus.

Sjögren, M & Söderström, P (2004). Utväg guider om kön, makt och dig som person. Sensus.

Söderström, P (2003). Brottsoffer i fokus: Likhet inför lagen. Department of Sociology. Umeå University.