Another Development Foundation has been able to gather small groups in several talks on nonviolence and peaceful resistance February 1st and February 2nd, for us to investigate opportunities together with advisors and partners.
We have done this within a program for Stellan Vinthagen, Professor of Sociology, a scholar activist, and the Inaugural Endowed Chair in the study of nonviolent direct action and civil resistance at the University of Massachusetts, USA, who visited Umeå February 1st-3rd. Stellan is also a member of the Another Development Foundation Advisory Group.
A special thank you to Ellacarin Blind, Programme Officer at the National Association of the Sami People and member of the Another Development Foundation Advisory Group, Liecelott Omma, Head of the Sami cultural center Tráhppie, Christofer Sjödin, Member of International Fellowship of Reconciliation, Patrik Johansson and Elisabeth Olivius, Peace researchers at Department of Political Science, Umeå University and Carina Eriksson, Chair of the board for SWEDO – The Swedish Development Aid Organization.
You have all made this program to a fruitful exchange with Stellan.
The program was coordinated by Ingvar Rönnbäck, Co-founder and Chair of the board of Another Development Foundation. Several outcomes have been achieved during the program.