Another Development Foundation will participate at Rethinking Development at Gothenburg University August 22nd-23rd, 2018 together with Hard Rain Project. The conference is arranged by School of Global Studies (SGS), Centre on Global Migration (CGM) in co-operation with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), the Swedish Research Council (VR), and the Gothenburg Centre of Globalization and Development (GCGD).
Another Development Foundation and Hard Rain Project will be responsible for the following session in the program:
Searching for Another Development through Nonviolence and Communication.
This is the abstract for the session:
Can we transform the world towards Another Development through nonviolence and communication? What is the space for such approaches in the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development? What is the necessities, independent of the potentials in the new development agenda?
These are the questions discussed in this panel, organized by Another Development Foundation and Hard Rain Project.
The seminar starts with a recap and rethinking of Another Development, and then move forward to a dialogue on the role of nonviolence and communication in transforming our world towards sustainable development.
Another Development as a concept and as an approach was brought forward in the early work by Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation, for example the 1975 Dag Hammarskjöld Report on Development and International Cooperation with the title What Now? Prepared on the occasion of the 7th Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York September 1st-12th, as well as Another Development: Approaches and Strategies edited by Marc Nerfin 1977.
As every approach Another Development need to be contextualized historically, politically, socially and culturally, as well as redefined in relation to changes in international discourse, political dynamics and world affairs. At this seminar, the contextualization and rethinking are outlined in a paper written by Ingvar Rönnbäck, founder and chair of Another Development Foundation, and in relation to the role of nonviolence for Another Development.
The paper is discussed by a panel of scholars and development practitioners. Names will be presented later. Gender balance will be guaranteed.
The seminar will end by exemplifying Communication for Another Development through the story of the Hard Rain Project and Whole Earth? recently awarded the 2017 UNESCO Japan Price on Education for Sustainable Development at the 39th Session of the UNESCO General Conference in Paris, October 30th-November 14th 2017. Hard Rain Project has through its exhibitions, based on the lyrics of Bob Dylan, texts by Lloyd Timberlake and photographic work by Mark Edwards reached more than 15 million people on all continents with sustained integrity and documented impact. The story of the Hard Rain Project is presented by Dag Jonzon, Director of Hard Rain Project.