On February 27th 2024, the network Umeå for Antiracism invite citizens, activists and organisations to a dialogue on how civil society can work for antiracism in Umeå Municipality.
Another Development Foundation is a member of this broad network and also represented as a member of a steering group for a project on how to develop capacity and mobilisation for antiracism in Umeå. The member from Another Development Foundation in the steering group is Ingvar Rönnbäck, founder and chair of the board of Another Development Foundation.
This project is funded by Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society (MUCF).
The event on February 27th will take place at Klossen – a cultural center at the studie association Studiefrämjandet at Ålidhem in Umeå.
The event start 18.30 and end 20.00.
The event will start with an introduction to the project and with a lecture by Jenny Saba Persson, operations manager for Rättighetscentrum Västerbotten – a civil society antidiscrimination bureau in Västerbotten.
After this introductions – a dialogue with and between the participants will be facilitated by the organisers, the study association Bilda who is managing the project in partnership with Another Development Foundation.
More information about the activities within this network will be posted on this webpage as well as on a network webpage that is under construction.