Another Development Foundation are proud that we were invited to be a cooperating partner during 2020 in the project ”International collaboration to strength democracy and gender justice in Kurdish Iraq”, financed by the Swedish Institute. The project owner and coordination organization was The International Committee for Women´s Rights (IKKR) in collaboration with People´s Development Organization (PDO). The Chief Director of IKKR, Halala Rafi and the Senior Advisor and Project Manager Maria Pilar Reyes led and coordinated the whole project. Peter Söderström, Co-founder and Member of the Board, participated as an expert, together with Rebecca Lagh from the Law Firm Barbro Sjöqvist & Rebecca Lagh AB and Lotta Molander Shanti from Unizon, and participated at the workshops in Arbil and Sulaymaniyah.
The aim of the project was to empower, especially young people, to produce their own documentary films on gender issues and democracy and, inspired by experiences from Sweden, create audio-visual tools and pedagogic material adapted to their own context and based on what they consider real societal problems and life concerns. The project was meant to create a platform for development of documentary-films, where the participants enhanced their knowledge and become committed to promote gender equality and democracy awareness. Finally, the project are also, in dialogue with local institutions, key persons and organizations trying to find out if and how Swedish agencies and organizations could go on supporting such a development, and if there is constructive conditions to further explore and expand this cooperation.