
Another Development Foundation is working with outreach activities for example participation in the public and political debate through articles in newspapers. The foundation is also working for the expansion of the international network meeting potential partners in different regions and countries.

Reporting on Gaza in Swedish Newspapers and Media is a fatal failure – A Debate Article

In the magazine "The Journalist" (Journalisten in Swedish) a number of journalists and media professionals have signed a debate article about the reporting on Gaza by Swedish newspapers and in media. This is the first paragraph in this article: "When it comes to news reporting on Gaza, the deadliest place for civilians in the world, we see a fatal failure. Israel is presented as a democracy that fights terrorists, while the people who are subjected to horrible war crimes -

Learning and Networking in US on Nonviolence and Resistance to War

During April 7th-16th 2024, Ingvar Rönnbäck, Founder of Another Development Foundation conducted a learning and networking journey to US with four stops; Washington DC, New York City, Conneticut, Boston. Several meetings were part of the program: Hardy Merriman, President of International Centre on Nonviolent Conflict (ICNC) Marc Elliot, Technology Director, World Beyond War Stellan Vinthagen, Professor on Nonviolent Direct Action, Amherst University Joanne Sheehan, active in various ways in War Resisters League and War Resisters International Jamila Raqib, Executive Director,

Open Letter Calling on World Leaders to Show Long-view Leadership on Existential Threats

This open letter, organzed by The Elders and Future of Life Institute were signed by many. One of the is Ingvar Rönnbäck, Founder and Chair of the Board of Another Development Foundation. Below, you find the open letter, and a link to the letter: "The Elders, Future of Life Institute and a diverse range of co-signatories call on decision-makers to urgently address the ongoing impact and escalating risks of the climate crisis, pandemics, nuclear weapons, and ungoverned AI. Our world is

An Appeal Against the Swedish Government on their Policy for Climate Action

The founder and chair of the board of Another Development Foundation, Ingvar Rönnbäck, is one of 1 350 people from the Swedish society and different organisations who has signed an appeal published in one of the biggest daily newspapers - Aftonbladet - January 16th, 2024. The appeal is more than an appeal for the resignation of the Swedish Minister for Environment. It is an overall critique of the climate work, or lack of work, by the Swedish Government, as well

Appeal from Adults Supporting Youth Climate Activists

August 21st 2023 - an appeal by adults supporting youth climate activists were published in one of the biggest newspapers in Sweden - Aftonbladet. The title of the appeal was "Prosecute the Oil Companies - Not Peaceful Climate Activists". It was signed by 1430 adults, above the age of thirty, with different professional affiliations, occupations and life-situations. It was also signed by two of the founders and board members of Another Development Foundation - Ingvar Rönnbäck and Peter Söderström. However,

Arguing for Unarmed and Nonviolent Resistance

After Russians illegal and brutal invasion of Ukraine February 2022 (which has a complex and debated background), those who argued for unarmed and nonviolent resistance were put under pressure due to massive support for militarism and militarisation, especially among western countries, as the only way to counter the violence carried out by Russia towards its neighbour country Ukraine. However, scholars and activist, with a concrete experience of nonviolent civil resistance from different contexts, as well as interest for research on

Appeal From Researchers to The Government of Sweden

June 30th, 606 researchers from Swedish research institutions announced an appeal to the Swedish Government due to their decision from June 22nd to cut all funding for development research from Swedish Research Council. The decision by the government created a strong reaction from the research community, for example in an open appeal in one of the biggest news papers in Sweden; Aftonbladet. The founder of and chair of the board of Another Development Foundation - Ingvar Rönnbäck - was one

Open Letter to the Prime Minister of Sweden

In January 2023, Sweden established a new Institute for Human Rights. In May 2023, a number of representatives for organisations working with and for Human Rights, delivered an open letter to the Prime Minister of Sweden, Mr Ulf Kristersson. Ingvar Rönnbäck, founder of and chair of Another Development Foundation, was one of those who signed the open letter, together with more than 50 representatives for Human Rights organisations. This is letter: Stockholm on 2 May 2023 To Prime Minister Ulf

Manifestation in Umeå February 24th 2023 for Peace and Freedom in Ukraine

February 24th 2023, many events for solidarity with the people of Ukraine due to the Russian invasion a year ago took take place in Sweden Such event also took place in The City of Umeå, Sweden. A number of organisations supported this manifestation in Umeå; Swedish Peace & Arbitration Society, Friend in Umeå, Association for Ukrainians in the County of Västerbotten, Swedish Fellowship of Reconcilliation, Save the Children, Swedish Church and a number of study associations; Bilda, Sensus, ABF, NBV,

Umeå for Antiracism – A Manifestation

It is obvious that racism exists in Sweden, as well as in other countries. It is even more obvious after the last election in Sweden. Racism is not a new phenomenon, and resistance against racism and mobilization for antiracism have always been there in the history of racism. Another Development Foundation was one among many organisations that supported the manifestation "Umeå for Antiracism" Saturday 8th. These were the organisers besides of ADF: Rättighetscentrum Västerbotten, Vän i Umeå, ABF, Skuggteatern, Aktion

A Conversation on Peace Through Nonviolence in relation to the War in Ukraine and in relation to Militarisation

The war in Ukraine has caused reactions throughout the world, and in Sweden as well. Voices for increased military spending and membership in the NATO-alliance have become more vocal. In this conversation, another approach on what to do in relation to the war in Ukraine, and in relation to militarisation in general, was discussed. A central theme for the conversation were on nonviolent resistance during occupation and against dictatorship, even if the conversation provided opportunities for dialogue on peacebuilding as

Sex is Not Work – Fight Demand and End Sexual Exploitation in the Climate Crisis Era

Meg Donevan, Member of the Board of Another Development Foundation, was invited to speak at the Swedish Women's Lobby's Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) Side event, "Sex work is not work - fight demand and end sexual exploitation in the climate crisis era." Meg presented the latest research on the link between sexual exploitation and climate change, drawing on Dr. Melissa Farley and other's work. She described how those most at risk for prostitution are the same individuals