
Nonviolence 2023 – The 4th Annual Forum on Nonviolence in Ubmeje/Umeå October 20th-22nd

Once again Another Development Foundation, together with partners, invite activists, movements and scholars for to Ubmeje/Umeå for a conversation on nonviolence - this time with a focus on strategies for social change, however grounded on ethical values since nonviolence never only can be technical endavour. The program will be carried out at Umeå University and the cultural centre Klossen at Ålidhem in Ubmeje/Umeå. Key organizers are Another Development Foundation, the Study Association Bilda, Swedish Fellowship of Reconcilliation and Women´s International

Open Letter to the Prime Minister of Sweden

In January 2023, Sweden established a new Institute for Human Rights. In May 2023, a number of representatives for organisations working with and for Human Rights, delivered an open letter to the Prime Minister of Sweden, Mr Ulf Kristersson. Ingvar Rönnbäck, founder of and chair of Another Development Foundation, was one of those who signed the open letter, together with more than 50 representatives for Human Rights organisations. This is letter: Stockholm on 2 May 2023 To Prime Minister Ulf

Dignity for Children and Youth Conference in Calgary, Canada – Participation by Meghan Donevan, Board Member of ADF

February 22nd 2023, ADF's board member Meghan Donevan participated at "Dignity for Children and Youth Conference" organized by FearIsNotLove (Calgary Women's Emergency Shelter) and the Centre for Response Based Practice. The event is one of many international events organized by Centre for Responsed Based Practice in partnership with other organisations. Meg's presentation "The pornification of childhood: Situation, responses and solutions", focused on the multiple ways in which children and youth are being harmed by the pornography industry. She clarified how

Manifestation in Umeå February 24th 2023 for Peace and Freedom in Ukraine

February 24th 2023, many events for solidarity with the people of Ukraine due to the Russian invasion a year ago took take place in Sweden Such event also took place in The City of Umeå, Sweden. A number of organisations supported this manifestation in Umeå; Swedish Peace & Arbitration Society, Friend in Umeå, Association for Ukrainians in the County of Västerbotten, Swedish Fellowship of Reconcilliation, Save the Children, Swedish Church and a number of study associations; Bilda, Sensus, ABF, NBV,

Network Meeting and Dialogue in Umeå for Sustainable Transition

Together with Swedish Church, Friends of the Earth and the study association Sensus, Another Development Foundation organized a network meeting for various social movements on sustainable transition. This is what has been communicated in the invitation: "In the challenging times we live in, broad and deep alliances are necessary. We can find common strength in an ecosocial movement for transition to sustainability based on diversity, inclusion and rights for both people and the rest of nature. How can we learn,

Will Steffen – Senior Advisor of the Foundation Died in Canberra Aged 75

Today, January 31st 2023, the board of Another Development Foundation, recieved information about the death of Will Steffen, a dear friend of us and a senior advisor of Another Development Foundation. He was a wonderful person of tremendous importance for the world as researcher in the field of Earth System Science. Today, it is a day of mourning for us at Another Development Foundation. We will miss him tremendously, and we will remember him for his compassion and intellect, as

Project on Collective Civil Courage

With support from the organisation People´s Education Council (Folkbildningsrådet), Another Development Foundation collaborates with the Study Association Bilda, Swedish Felloship of Reconcilliation and Härnösand People´s High School (Härnösands folkhögskola) on a project aimed at capacity building, collaboration and development of methods for collective civil courage. The project is connected to partnership between Another Development Foundation, the above mentioned organisations, Women´s International League for Peace and Freedeom, Department of Political Science, Umeå University, Centre for Sami Research (Varduoo), Umeå University, Umeå

Umeå for Antiracism – A Manifestation

It is obvious that racism exists in Sweden, as well as in other countries. It is even more obvious after the last election in Sweden. Racism is not a new phenomenon, and resistance against racism and mobilization for antiracism have always been there in the history of racism. Another Development Foundation was one among many organisations that supported the manifestation "Umeå for Antiracism" Saturday 8th. These were the organisers besides of ADF: Rättighetscentrum Västerbotten, Vän i Umeå, ABF, Skuggteatern, Aktion

Nonviolence 2022 – October 14th-16th – Program is Now Available

Once again Another Development Foundation will organize the annual event Nonviolence - this time October 14th-16th 2022. The theme for this event is "Nonviolent Mobilisation During Times of Crisis" which will be discussed in a research panel at Umeå University October 14th and in panels and workshops at the venue Klossen located at Ålidhem in Umeå October 15th-16th. Organizers, besides of ADF, are Fellowship of Reconcilliation, Women´s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) and the study association Bilda. Partners

Africities 2022 – 9th Summit in Kisumu, Kenya

Another Development Foundation participated at the 9th edition of the Africities Summit in Kisumu May 17th-21st, 2022. The history as background for this participation is complex. First, it was a continuation of process that started with a participation at the 4th edition of the Africities Summit in Nairobi 2006 by Ira Sundberg, Co-founder of Another Development Foundation who then met Yvonne Anyango, Director of Cooperation Arena for Sustainable Development in Africa (CASDA). It was start of long collaboration that involved

A Conversation on Peace Through Nonviolence in relation to the War in Ukraine and in relation to Militarisation

The war in Ukraine has caused reactions throughout the world, and in Sweden as well. Voices for increased military spending and membership in the NATO-alliance have become more vocal. In this conversation, another approach on what to do in relation to the war in Ukraine, and in relation to militarisation in general, was discussed. A central theme for the conversation were on nonviolent resistance during occupation and against dictatorship, even if the conversation provided opportunities for dialogue on peacebuilding as

Sex is Not Work – Fight Demand and End Sexual Exploitation in the Climate Crisis Era

Meg Donevan, Member of the Board of Another Development Foundation, was invited to speak at the Swedish Women's Lobby's Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) Side event, "Sex work is not work - fight demand and end sexual exploitation in the climate crisis era." Meg presented the latest research on the link between sexual exploitation and climate change, drawing on Dr. Melissa Farley and other's work. She described how those most at risk for prostitution are the same individuals