
Umeå for Antiracism – How can I/we make a difference?

On February 27th 2024, the network Umeå for Antiracism invite citizens, activists and organisations to a dialogue on how civil society can work for antiracism in Umeå Municipality. Another Development Foundation is a member of this broad network and also represented as a member of a steering group for a project on how to develop capacity and mobilisation for antiracism in Umeå. The member from Another Development Foundation in the steering group is Ingvar Rönnbäck, founder and chair of the

Nonviolence – Power to Change the World

Within the project "Collective Civil Courage", Another Development Foundation have worked together with the study association Bilda, Swedish Fellowship of Reconcilliation and Härnösands People´s High School with a study material on and for nonviolence, that will be launched February 20th 2024. During the launch, we will present the new webpage and the material that have been produced during the project - a webpage and material that would be of use for activists, movements and organisations who work for social change,

Alternativs to Militarisation – Three Voices for Peace

Militarisation is a reality in today´s world, with tremendous effects for people and environment, as well as for the overall trust in the international system. The risks with militarisation are many and serious, and cannot continue since it is a existential threat to all human civilisations. Another Development Foundation work to counter militarisation in partnership with other organisations, for example within the framework of the work with the annual forum "Noviolence 202X" that was launced 2020. This partnership also provide

Garden Talk on International Relations, Global Transformations, Peace and War

On January 19th, 2024 Another Development Foundation hosted three leaders for peace to a conversation on international relations, global transformations in relation to peace, war and other global challenges. Participants in the conversation were: Agnes Hellström, former Chair of Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society who recently released her new book: "Fredsfittan - Natobeslutet som förändrade Sverige" Kerstin Bergeå, Chair of Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society Desirée Sterner, Chair of the Swedish section of Women´s International League for Peace and Freedom,

An Appeal Against the Swedish Government on their Policy for Climate Action

The founder and chair of the board of Another Development Foundation, Ingvar Rönnbäck, is one of 1 350 people from the Swedish society and different organisations who has signed an appeal published in one of the biggest daily newspapers - Aftonbladet - January 16th, 2024. The appeal is more than an appeal for the resignation of the Swedish Minister for Environment. It is an overall critique of the climate work, or lack of work, by the Swedish Government, as well

Garden Talk for Another Development – The Person at the Heart of Sustainability

October 31st, 2023, Another Development Foundation invited a number of individuals with extensive experience of analysis, thinking and practice for sustainable development. These individuals were: Rebecca Oliver, currently a sustainability strategist and associate at Purple IVY Isak Stoddard, Ph.D student at Department of Earth Sciences, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development Maria Gardfjell, currently chair of Swedish Society for Nature Conservation in The County of Uppsala, and former member of parliament for the environmental party The dialogue was facilitated by Ira

Nonviolence 2023 in Ubmeje/Umeå, Sweden – October 20th-22nd

Another Development Foundation has now, together with partners, carried out Nonviolence 2023 for the fourth time, starting 2020. This years event focused on strategic analysis in relation to a broad analysis on the state of the world where some challenges and trends got specific attention; militarisation and demilitarisation, autokratisation and democratisation, extractive violence, unsustainable industrialisation and climate justice and sustainable development. The program contained opportunities for activists, organisations, movements, students and scholars to increase their knowledge, dialogue and interactions in

Sustainable Journalism in Practice – International Conference in Nairobi 2023

How can journalism contribute to a sustainable society, and how can journalism/media business be sustainable in itself, environmentally, socially and economically? Those were the main questions discussed at the conference Sustainable journalism in Practice in Nairobi, Kenya, a conference attended by one of ADF’s advisors, Kerstin Engström, associate professor in media and communication studies. Around the globe journalism is faced with the three challenges of climate change, deepening polarisation and media businesses under financial stress. These challenges make it necessary

Appeal from Adults Supporting Youth Climate Activists

August 21st 2023 - an appeal by adults supporting youth climate activists were published in one of the biggest newspapers in Sweden - Aftonbladet. The title of the appeal was "Prosecute the Oil Companies - Not Peaceful Climate Activists". It was signed by 1430 adults, above the age of thirty, with different professional affiliations, occupations and life-situations. It was also signed by two of the founders and board members of Another Development Foundation - Ingvar Rönnbäck and Peter Söderström. However,

Appeal From Researchers to The Government of Sweden

June 30th, 606 researchers from Swedish research institutions announced an appeal to the Swedish Government due to their decision from June 22nd to cut all funding for development research from Swedish Research Council. The decision by the government created a strong reaction from the research community, for example in an open appeal in one of the biggest news papers in Sweden; Aftonbladet. The founder of and chair of the board of Another Development Foundation - Ingvar Rönnbäck - was one

Garden Talk With Representatives for Kenyan Lake Frontiers Counties

The founder of Another Development Foundation, Ingvar Rönnbäck, was happy to host representatives for Kisumu, Siaya, Homa Bay, Busia and Migori County, Kenya, i.e. Kenyan Lake Victoria frontiers counties who is collaborating with partners in the County of Västerbotten - Center for Rural Medicine, Region Västerbotten, Umeå Municipality, Biosphere Area - Vindeln River-Juhtáthakka and Umeå University - in a project that started 2023 and will continue until 2025 with funding from Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD). The Garden

Approved Application for Antiracism in Umeå

We are happy to announce that an application has been approved by Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society June 7th 2023 that will increase the opportunities for civil society organisations in Umeå to work for antiracism in Umeå. Another Development Foundation is one of the organizers behind this initiative that started with a manifestion for antiracism in Umeå, right after the results of the election in Sweden was announced September 2022. Civil society in Umeå now mobilizes for antiracism,