Our Work

In this section we describe our achievements before the foundation was registred, as well as what we do through different methods and ways of working.

Achievements: Leadership, Management and Institutional Development

Another Development Foundation is a think tank and meeting point for people and organizations who want to promote peace, freedom from violence, human rights, gender equality and sustainability. In order for this development to happen, withouth neclecting the need for mobilization of civil society locally, nationally and transnationally, questions of leadership, managment and institutional development cannot be avoided. Below, a list of assignments, roles and achievements by our Chair Ingvar Rönnbäck are described. Key achievements have been the creation of

Achievements: Personal Sustainability, Leadership and Development

Another Development Foundation has an holistic approach on sustainable development including the need for working with personal, psychosocial, social sustainability as well as on leadership. If global sustainability will be possible it is important to work with organisational development, institutions, collaboration locally, nationally, regionally and internationally as well as mobilizing global civil society and with resistance. However, the need for working with the individual, with groups and on leadership must not be forgotten. Ira Sundberg has experience of this kind

Collaboration on Gender Based Violence with Partners in Africa

Another Development Foundation is happy to announce that we have started a collaboration on gender based violence and for freedom from violence with gender- and mediaorganizations in five african countries; Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Zambia! The collaboration will be managed by ADEP - Another Development Perspective Ltd and Cooperation Arena for Sustainable Development in Africa (CASDA) with the foundation as the key partner. The project is funded by Swedish Institute, and was launched October 1st-5th when all participants met