Our Work

In this section we describe our achievements before the foundation was registred, as well as what we do through different methods and ways of working.

Creative Force Project Africa in Sweden November 2018

Our work with African partners on gender based violence and freedom from violence is moving forward. The representatives for African organizations - Yvonne Anyango, CASDA, Kenya, Nancy Mundu, Jireh Women and Youth Self-help Association, Uganda, Clint Ouma, The Binti Project, Tanzania, Berhanu Demissie, DEC, Ethiopia, Nafisa Yusuf, NAGAAD Network, Somaliland, Peace Hillary, Family Magazine, Rwanda and Samba Yonga, Ku-atenga Media, Zambia - participated at a program in Sweden including meetings at Swedish Institute, Swedish International Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the

Future Food – Threatened by Big Companies or Secured by Female Farmers

At a special seminar at Umeå University Ingvar Rönnbäck, founder of and chair of Another Development Foundation facilitated a dialogue on food sovereignity, power and food, with special focus on female farmers, with panelist from South Africa, India and Equador. The panelists were Lila Naidoo, Director of East Cape Agriculture Research Project (ECARP), South Africa, P.M Mohan, President of Center for Improved Health and Environmental Protection (CIRHEP), India and Maria Angélita Loja Cabrera, small-scale farmer and indigenous leader from Quimsakocha,

Debate Article on Pornography – A Public Health Crisis

Peter Söderström, Co-founder of Another Development Foundation, has in collaboration with a number of experts and activists from different organisations written an article on pornography as public health crisis, published in Aftonbladet October 13th 2018 (see attached link). The board of Another Development Foundation fully support Peter Söderström and the others who have highlighted this problem with all its consequences for human wellbeing. Pornography is a global public health crisis and today one of the most serious threats to all

WANA Institute and Another Development Foundation in Dialogue about Collaboration

Through funding from Swedish Institute in the framework of Creative Force Program, Another Development Foundation and WANA Institute were able to meet in Sweden October 4th-8th 2018 for a dialogue on the future collaboration on Citizen Journalism and Community Based Media Organisations. The delegation from WANA Institute, with base in Amman, Jordan, were also able to meet various actors and organisations in Sweden who works for youth empowerment, integration/inclusion, against violent extremism, sustainable development and research internationally, nationally and locally.

Dignity 2018 – A Conference for Dignity and Justice

Unizon (http://unizon.se), Sweden and the Centre for Response-Based Practice (www.responsebasedpractice.com), Canada are the hosts for the international event Dignity 2018, September 28th-30th in Stockholm, Sweden - an event which is supported by The Canadian Embassy. Through Peter Söderström, Co-Founder member of the board for Another Development Foundation, the foundation was invited to be a partner and part of the organizing team. Dignity have travelled from Canada, New Zeeland and Australia to finally be brought to Sweden by Unizon 2018. The

Nordic Women Against Violence Conference 2018 in Helsinki, Finland

Peter Söderström, one of the founders of Another Development Foundation, was invited to Helsingfors September 7th-9th 2018 by Unizon to speak at the annual Nordic Women Against Violence Conference, this year arranged by the Women Shelter Movement in Finland. Representatives gathered from Faroe Islands, Greenland, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland and Sweden. The theme of the conference 2018 was ”Talking about gender perspective after #metoo”. Peter Söderström held a keynote speech together with Olga Persson, General Secretary at Unizon, focusing on ”Mens accountability

Participation at DEVRES 2018 in Gothenburg, Sweden

Another Development Foundation and its partner Hard Rain Project have now - August 22nd-23rd 2018 - participated at the Development Research Conference (DEVRES 2018) Rethinking Development in Gothenburg, Sweden.  The conference was organized by the School of Global Studies (SGS) and the Centre on Global Migration (CGM) at the University of Gothenburg in co-operation with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), the Swedish Research Council (VR), and the Gothenburg Centre of Globalization and Development (GCGD) at the University of

Creative Force Project Approved – Youth as Critical Journalists; Violent Extremism vs Citizenship

Today, June 18th 2018, Another Development Foundation and WANA Institute based in Amman, Jordan recevied decision from Swedish Institute on approval for seedfunding in a project called "Youth as Critical Journalists; Violent Extremism vs Citizenship". We are very happy for this approval since the needs and rights of young people need to be taken care of in a way that support their life chances and wellbeing. We as partners will work in the framework of Creative Force Program - a

Garden Talk for Another Development with Busia Municipality, Uganda

Representatives from Busia Municipality, Uganda headed by Mayor Hassan Mbwire was invited to the founder and chair of Another Development Foundation for a Garden Talk for Another Development June 6th 2018 since the team from Busia was in Sweden for working together with their partner Robertsfors Municipality as well as meeting representatives from Machakos County Government, Kenya who also is a partner to Robertsfors Municpality. The talked centered on the following themes; a) Sweden and Uganda, b) Sweden and international

Another Development Foundation Talk on Anthroposcene – Surviving the Age of Humans by Will Steffen

Another Development Foundation was happy to invite representatives of The City of Umeå, Umeå University, Umeå Institute of Design and Swedish University on Agriculture sciences to a lecture by, and a talk with, Will Steffen, one of the most well renowned Earth System scientists, as well as Honorary Advisor for Another Development Foundation June 11th. During this talk, participants were also be able to talk with the other advisors of Another Development Foundation who have a commitment for sustainable global development,

Creative Force Project Workshop in Nairobi, Kenya May 7th-11th 2018

Together with CASDA - Cooperation Arena for Sustainable Development in Africa, ADEP - Another Development Perspective Ltd (project owner) and Another Development Foundation hosted participants from eight countries; Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Somalia (Somaliland), Rwanda, Zambia and Sweden. Our common goal is to end genderbased violence and to promote freedom from violence as fundamental human right, through creative media work. The meeting in Nairobi was the second after a meeting in Sweden during a seedfunding phase where the parties agreed

Establishing Relations in Nepal

Peter Söderström, co-founder of Another Development Foundation travelled to Nepal March 2018 in order to meet organizations and unconditionally exchange knowledge and experience relating to his areas of expertise. Through contact with Balkrishna Silwal Sharma, monitoring and evaluation specialist/consultant at ADB/Establishing Women and Children Service Centers in Katmandu, Peter Söderström were invited to the organization Nepal Participatory Action Network (NEPAN). NEPAN is an association of individuals and institutions whose goal is to promote and build capacity for meaningful participation of citizens,