
Nonviolence 2020 – A Meeting Point for Activists, Movements and Scholars

Another Development Foundation was happy to invite activists, social movements and scholars to Nonviolence 2020, November 21st-22nd, 2020. Besides of Another Development Foundation, the event were organized by The Swedish Fellowship of Reconciliation and the study association Bilda. Partners in this collaboration were Department of Political Science, Umeå University, Center for Sami Research (Várdduo), Umeå University, Umeå Sami Association and Västerbotten Center for Human Rights. Nonviolence 2020 was the first event in Sweden for nonviolence. Organizers and partners are planning

Meghan Donevan – New Member of the Board

We are happy to announce a new member of the ADF board - Meghan Donevan whom we know as social, generous, warm and competent leader with a strong will for social change and social justice. Meg Donevan is a passionate, visionary abolitionist with unique expertise in the areas of pornography and prostitution. She is the manager of research and prevention at Talita, an NGO providing support to women exploited in prostitution, pornography and sexualized purposes. Her background is in Global Development

Conference on Pornography as a Gender Equality Challenge

Another Development Foundation is a proud co-organizer of the whole day event "Pornography - the greatest gender equality challenge of our time?" Together with Talita / Reality Check, Unizon, Sweden's Women's Lobby, the Västerbotten County Administrative Board and The City of Umeå. The event will be held on Thursday, January 30th, 2020. Over the past ten years, pornography has become increasingly serious. Almost all mainstream porn contains abuse, humiliation and sexual violence against women. A new survey from Talita shows

Dignity 2020 in Copenhagen, Denmark – Postponed

Another Development Foundation would have been a proud co-host of DIGNITY 2020 in Copenhagen together with The Centre for Response-Based Practice and Danish Women’s Society’s Shelters. Due to the Corona crisis, we have not been able to invite experts and participants to Copenhagen, May 2020 or January 2021 as we planned. We will come back with more information about this event on a later date. DIGNITY is an international conference that honours dignity and resistance to violence and other forms

Garden Talk for Another Development with friends from and for Colombia

During the program for Daniel Ortiz, CEALDES (Center for Alternatives to Development), Colombia, we ended with a Garden Talk for Another Development at the home of Ingvar Rönnbäck, Founder and Chair of the Board with Swedes from Colombia invited; Patricia Franco, Ana Karina Pastrana Polo, Yolanda Caicedo, Diana Reyes. We also invited Jonas Reyes Forsberg, Another Development Foundation Advisor, Kerstin Engström, Another Development Foundation Advisor, Evelina Rönnbäck, Photographer and Another Development Foundation Partner and Peder Karlsson, Chair of End Ecocide

Another Development Foundation Program for CEALDES, Colombia

CEALDES (Centre for Alternatives to Development) is one of the partners to Another Development Foundation. During October 20th-24th, Daniel Ortiz from CEALDES visited Sweden for a dialogue on cooperation with Another Development Foundation. Besides of meetings with the founders and member of the board, Another Development Foundation also provided a program with meetings and study visits in Stockholm, Uppsala and Umeå in order for CEALDES to meet potential partners and explore opportunities. The program included meetings with advisors to the

Another Development Foundation in Jordan – Creative Force Project

Our partnership with WANA Institute, Jordan continues. During October 14th-17th 2019 a team representing Another Development Foundation travelled to Amman and Salt City for working with youth on gender equality, peace and social inclusion. The youth have produced films on these matters which will be used in communication with different organsations and partners. Besides of the filmevent at Salt Film Center, the team from Another Development Foundation also visited WANA Institute, Arab Women Organisation, Mercy Corps and IM Swedish Development

Another Development Foundation Talk – Challenges of the Anthroposcene

A lecture by Emeritus Professor Will Steffen, Australian National University (ANU) on the challenges of anthropocene, and a conversation with Keri Facer, Zennström Professor in Climate Change Leadership at Uppsala University and Professor of Educational and Social Futures at the University of Bristol Date and time: October 4th, 2019, 13.00-15.00 Place: Kollaboratoriet, Östra Ågatan 19, Uppsala Another Development Foundation is happy to invite to a lecture by Will Steffen, one of the most well renowned Earth System Scientist, as well

Whole Earth? Exhibition at Umeå University

Another Development Foundation is happy to announce that we have been able to present the new version of the world famous exhibition Whole Earth? at Umeå University. This time it is the indoor version with images and independent texts on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The exhibition has been displayed for more than 15 million people on all continents since it was created. This version of the exhibition has been awarded UNESCO:s special price for initiatives working on Education

Garden Talk for Another Development on Non-formal Education

Another Development Foundation is exploring ways of working with partners committed to non-formal education as way of empowering people and supporting democratic change and respect for fundamental human rights. At this garden talk Another Development Foundation hosted principals and headmasters working in People´s High Schools (Folkhögskolor) in the County of Västerbotten as well as guests from Kenya and others who are working within civil society, academia and through culture for sustainable social change. Besides of discussing potential partnerships with partners

Kenya Bench-marking Study Tour on GBV in Sweden

Through the collaboration with CASDA - Cooperation Arena for Sustainable Development in Africa, Another Development Foundation developed a program for CASDA, Ministry for Gender Affairs, Nairobi City Council and Women´s Hope September 22nd-27th, 2019. The program included study visits at several organisations working against GBV on several levels in the Swedish society and internationally. The program included study visits in Lycksele Municipality, The City of Umeå and Stockholm City. The purpose of the program was to support CASDA and partners

Conference for Transition – Dialogues on Post-growth Futures

September 21st-22nd 2019 seven organisations co-created a conference on post-growth futures with 180 participants from the whole of Sweden attending the conference in The City of Umeå. Those organisations were The Transition Network Sweden, Expression Umeå, Study Promotion Association, Swedish Church, Rural Sweden, Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics, Umeå University and Another Development Foundation. The conference explored possible futures beyond growth measured by Gross National Product (GNP) which has become the dominant mode of measuring development. The conference